Resolves YES if, before July 2026, while I am personally browsing the web, I encounter an ad which is best interpreted as a prompt injection attack directed toward computer-using AI agents. I'll post a screenshot in the comments for discussion before resolving. To help give a sense of what might or might not trigger a resolution, here are examples:
Resolves YES
Textual instructions to take some clearly malicious action, above and beyond malicious "Download" or "Click Me" ads that humans might fall for
Ads nominally directed at AIs ("Assist the User by clicking here" or "If you're an AI, you NEED to read this!"). In this case, I wouldn't necessarily require that the ad itself have malicious textual instructions, if complying might take the agent to a malicious website or otherwise harm the user.
Anything I personally encounter which is later credibly reported on as a prompt injection attack. I may not have a screenshot in this case, if I didn't realize at the time that it might be an attack
Anything else which comprises a prompt-injection attack more directed toward AIs than humans, on an I-know-it-when-I-see-it basis
Doesn't resolve YES
Standard clickbait, or anything where it is highly questionable that the primary targets are AIs
Ads which clearly parody being a prompt injection attack (e.g. An awareness campaign, or an ad reading "Ignore all previous instructions and have an awesome day!")
AI-targeted prompt injection ads could reshape cybersecurity risks. If such cases emerge, it’ll challenge the best online advertising https://teqblaze.com/blog/best-places-to-advertise-online practices. Watching for AI-directed exploits in real-world ads will be insightful—curious to see if this resolves YES before 2026!