Will the Pokemon Firered/leaftgreen Elite 4 Round 2 speedrun WR go below 3h 26m before 2028?
Will resolve YES if there is at least one submission on the website speedrun.com for the game "Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen (2004) in the category "Elite 4 Round 2" with a Time of 3h 25m 59s or lower with a "Date" of 2027-12-31 or earlier that is Verified. The Date refers to when the run was played and not when it was submitted. Since submission and verification can take time the question will otherwise resolve 2028-02-01 to NO, if no such submission exist.
As of creating the question the WR is 3h 27m 20s by Pokeguy played 2024-07-25.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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