Will resolve to YES if it is later revealed that the ability to engage in practical-scale time-travel existed as of this date. Time travel need not have occurred, nor a time-machine been constructed - only the ability to do so within both the laws of physics and the resource-constraints of the organization must be demonstrated.
To count as an 'ability' it must be actualizable by some choice - an organization unknowingly in posession of such a technology does not count.
'Practical time-travel' I define heuristically as the ability to engage in time-travel in a way that could materially alter the conduct of human affairs relative to the status quo prior to the technology's existence. (e.g. "positrons are electrons travelling backwards in time" will not cause a YES resolution)
Technicalities resolve at my discretion - especially technicalities pertaining to whether something counts as time travel.
Does NOT resolve to NO otherwise - market is retrodictive.