Thus far, I've left my Manifold activities in broad daylight with my Twitter account linked and my name easily findable online. Will I regret doing so by 2030?
I get utility from having as close to nothing as possible in my life hidden, and a secretive, alternate account kind of kills my vibe. I feel confident in my markets and trades, and there's nothing that I can think of that I wouldn't share with a loved one or employer.
I also think being non-anon makes it easier to make friends online, which I've already started to do on Manifold.
However, if something bad were to happen (e.g., lose my job/income potential, lose a relationship, get murdered by an assassination market on Manifold, etc.) because of not being anonymous, that would very likely make me wish that I had been anonymous.
For purposes of this question, I'll think about "regret" in a non-probabilistic way - e.g., if something negative happens and the utility goes south, even if I think the negative consequence was so unlikely that I don't regret not using an anon account in that sense, I'll resolve positive if in the first-order situation I would have wished that I had been anonymous.