Will there be at least 100MW of operational geothermal capacity in the eastern united states by 2034?
Proponents of geothermal power note that, while the near-surface heat is significantly better in the western united states than in the east (https://www.americangeosciences.org/critical-issues/maps/geothermal-energy-resource-US), advances in drilling may eventually make it economical to build geothermal power nationwide. Question resolves to "yes" if there is, on or before december 31 2034, at least 100MW of geothermal capacity connected anywhere in the eastern interconnection (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jong-Suk-Kim-2/publication/283018221/figure/fig1/AS:286754948694016@1445379115205/Map-of-the-North-American-electricity-interconnections-Image-is-from.png).
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