If a consensus of credible reporting states that someone committed suicide, citing Polymarket as a contributing factor, this market will resolve to yes. Otherwise, it will resolve to no. For example, citing losses incurred trading on the platform being the sole, main, or a large contributing factor to their suicide in a suicide note would be sufficient to resolve this market to yes.
Eastern Time will be the time used. If no credible reporting states this happened before midnight January 1st Eastern Time, this market can immediately resolve no.
The claim must be made by the person themselves. Third-party accounts of family members saying that they were told a reason will not suffice for this market, however social media posts or notes left before death, or recordings of a message taken before death will count.
Remember to gamble responsibly. Never bet more than you are willing to lose, and never put all your eggs into one basket. Please call the suicide hotline, gambling addiction support hotline or reach out to trusted friends and family if you ever feel in over your head. You are not alone, and there is support for you.