The market will be resolved with YES when The Wager is in theaters with wide distribution. The Wager refers to the film adaptation of The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann.
If the film will be cancelled, or Scorsese will make another film before The Wager, or The Wager is made by another director, or DiCaprio will play a character who is not the main protagonist, or other similar cases (ask me for further clarification, but chances are the answer will be the same), I will resolve with NO.
If it is still in production in 2026, I will postpone the closing of the market.
I hope it will not be in development hell, in which case I will try my best to use the most objective and accurate manner to decide if the film has been cancelled or if it will still be in production, but generally, the market will be resolved with NO if there are no updates on the script, casting, or start of filming in these two years, even if it turns out to be still in production.