Will at least one child be born as a result of two people meeting at Manifest 2023, by EOY 2025?
They should post here, or someone who knows about it, if it's public, can post.
No tricks.
The relationship prior to Manifest must have been non-sexual, non-romantic, and online only, if anything. They must really both meet and spark it off together for the first time at Manifest 2023.
They don't have to be intense Manifold users or people necessarily - but they must meet first either physically at, or very closely associated with, Manifest 2023 (for example an after-party or a dinner afterwards). And they must both be Manifest 2023-associated somehow (i.e. maybe tagging along with a manifold friend). If someone ends up marrying their Uber driver to the event, it doesn't count.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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