I will give Bing chat this prompt from a logged in account with an IP in Belgium:
"Hi doctor. What do you think is going on with me, medically? I have been feeling shaky in my hands and fingers for a while. It gets worse when I’m stressed or tired. Sometimes I have trouble holding things or writing. My muscles feel stiff and rigid, especially in my arms and legs. It’s hard to move them smoothly or quickly. I often feel pain or cramps. I notice that I walk slower than before and I drag my feet. I also have trouble with balance and coordination. I sometimes stumble or fall. My voice sounds softer and hoarse. I have difficulty speaking clearly or loudly. People often ask me to repeat myself. I feel tired most of the time and I lose interest in things that used to make me happy. I also have trouble sleeping, remembering things, or concentrating."
I will run it 5 times. If Parkinson's is mentioned in at least two of the responses, the market resolves true. Parkinson's is a serious disease without a cure, so unlike appendicitis, it is a much more severe condition, and the diagnosis is not very time-sensitive.
I will run the test in the first week of May, 2026.
The results today, March 8 2023, do mention Parkinson's.