This resolves YES if individuals (not solely companies) can sell any of their chat history (or the rights to use that data) to anyone for use in AI training in exchange for any form of monetary benefit before 2030.
For the purposes of this market "chat history" includes texting history, app messaging history, AI prompting history, social media history, personal writing, or any other form of text or audio of language created by a human. The chat history must be sold for the purpose (explicit or implied) of being used as AI training data.
Any form of monetary compensation qualifies, whether it's a specific amount, a discount on some product or service, or a gift card of some variety. Compensation must however be primarily monetary: Some product or service being only available if the user agrees to use of their data is not sufficient to resolve this market, even if the product or service also provides some discount or payment based on the quantity or quality of data.
By "an individual" this market means a sufficiently large number of individuals. If the transaction is possible only for students at some specific university then that would not be sufficient, but it being possible for only the citizens of some large country would be considered sufficient. The offer must extend to a minimum of 0.25% of the world's population (roughly the current population of Australia), regardless whether that many people actually have the requisite data to sell.
Some examples:
A company selling your data for use in AI training without clearly giving you monetary compensation does not resolve this market. This already happens.
A company paying you to use their AI while using your data to further improve the AI would not resolve this market if use of your data is mandatory to use the AI, or if receipt of payment is not conditional on use of your data.
A company paying you to import your chat history from some other source for use in training a personalized AI for you would resolve this market as YES, so long as importing your prior chat history is optional to use the product.
A research institution paying students to use their private texts to train an AI for some study would not resolve this market, but such a study being open to the general public would resolve it as YES, so long as it's clear to the sellers that their data is being used to train an AI.
A generic data collection company that then resells data to AI companies does not resolve this market as YES, unless it's very clear to the user that their data will be primarily used for AI training.
A large government paying its citizens to provide their chat history for training some governmental AI would resolve this market as YES, so long as providing chat history is entirely optional and the benefit is primarily monetary, with tax breaks being considered monetary compensation.
A single state government doing likewise would only resolve this market YES if the state were the size of California, Texas, Florida, or possibly New York. If somewhere like New York seriously ends up being the only place this is possible then I will resolve this market 50% in exasperation rather than figuring out an accurate population count for both the state and the world.
Any unclear edge cases will be resolved by my personal interpretation, possibly using a percentage resolution, and I will not be trading in this market. Proposed clarifications or questions are welcome.
If it is brought to my attention that this is already currently possible as of today (15-05-24) then I will resolve this market N/A and send Ṁ50 to whomever reports the fact first in the comments with a reliable source.