Resolves as YES if two members of the United States Congress fight with deadly weapons on the floor of Congress before 2035.
Both combatants must be armed.
Both combatants must be opposed. (For example, if two armed Republicans cooperatively attack an unarmed Congressperson, then this will not count.)
The fight must happen either on the floor of the House of Representatives, the floor of the Senate, or in a committee room where official congressional business is being carried out.
The fight must go two ways: both combatants must participate in the fight. If one congressperson attacks an armed congressperson but the victim does not put up a fight, this does not count.
A melee that starts with unarmed members of Congress but then descends into a fight that involves at least one deadly weapon on both sides of the battle will be counted as a fight with deadly weapons, even though the first two combatants were not armed.
Both combatants must be current members of Congress. If one or more of the combatants are recently elected but not sworn in, they will count as members of Congress if their predecessor is no longer serving out their term.
The Speaker of the House and the Vice President will be considered members of Congress. (The Speaker of the House does not need to be a member of Congress.)
Special non-voting representatives such as representatives from Guam or the District of Columbia will not be considered members of Congress.
Both combatants must be armed with something that is primarily used as a weapon. (For example, a fight with knives or clubs counts, but hitting each other with chairs or stabbing with a pencil does not count. A cane that is primarily used for mobility will not be considered a club.) The weapon will be considered deadly if a person of normal size and strength could kill another person with the weapon.
The data will come from a reputable news source.
For the record, I pray that I do not need to mark this as YES and I lament the conditions that will cause this market to trade above an equal-duration question that automatically resolves as NO.