Israel has been a UN member state since 1949 and maintains a significant Jewish majority population. Current demographic projections indicate continued Jewish population growth through 2050. The country faces various geopolitical challenges but has shown remarkable resilience and stability since its establishment. 2060 will mark Israel's 112nd anniversary.
Resolution Criteria
Market resolves YES if ALL of the following conditions are met in 2050:
Israel is listed as a UN member state and/or recognized by a majority of UN member states
Major international media outlets recognize it as a sovereign country
The state maintains a majority or plurality Jewish population (including secular and non-practicing Jews)
Market resolves NO if:
Any of the above criteria are not met
The state is renamed to Palestine or similar as part of a one-state solution that grants citizenship to Palestinians
The country splits into multiple states, unless one successor state clearly maintains Israel's continuity and meets all criteria
Resolution will be determined using:
Official UN member state listings
Major international media coverage
Demographic data from reputable sources
The "Jewish" criterion includes both religious and secular/cultural identification
In case of a split or succession, only a clear continuation of the current Israeli state that meets all criteria would qualify for YES resolution
Changes to the country's name alone would not trigger NO resolution if all other criteria are met and the state maintains clear continuity with present-day Israel
A change in what the UN such as a to the former League of Nations shall not invalidate Israel being a country and this resolving YES unless Israel is specifically excluded from any successor organization. The UN dissolving, or Israel voluntarily withdrawing shall not alone disqualify Israel being a country as long as it retains wide spread recognition. If Israel is kicked out, then it shall resolve "NO".