In the chess engine world, there has been a lot of discussion about whether the Grob opening is a forced loss for white. It seems like there's somewhat of a conensus that it is a win for black, but it's nowhere near proven with Stockfish around -1.2 for the position.
The resource that I always look at to see how the Grob opening is evaluated is https://chessdb.cn/queryc_en/ where it has been searched for ages. Someone's even made a page which graphs what the evaluation has been over time on chessdb after the move 1.g4.
Resolves YES if after 1. g4, Black is able to force a win assuming optimal play. Resolves NO if white can force a draw or win.
A Stocfkish Official Release showing a mate score after 1.g4 is sufficient for a YES resolution. For a NO resolution, I would presume that solving chess is necessary, but if multiple sources that I trust say that it's been proven that it's a draw, then that would be sufficient.