Resolves YES to all true answers. Others will resolve NO at market close.
Including Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, BUT not including Kazakhstan (come at me). If this list is changed I reserve the right to make specific rulings on additions, but I will apply common sense.
I have added any countries I consider plausible, feel free to add others from the above list.
Naval vessels:
I am unaware of specific edge cases, but if a ship is considered a part of that country's armed forces it should count, even if it doesn't have Navy/Naval in the title. (
In the unlikely event of a dispute, the Pacific is defined according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica:
"In the Northern Hemisphere the Pacific Ocean meets the Arctic Ocean in the Bering Sea. In the Southern Hemisphere the Pacific and Atlantic mix in the relatively narrow Drake Passage between Tierra del Fuego in South America and Graham Land in Antarctica, and the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Ocean meet at the 60° S parallel. The separation between the Pacific and Indian oceans is less distinct, but generally it is considered to lie along the line of islands extending eastward from Sumatra, through Java to Timor, thence across the Timor Sea to Cape Londonderry in Australia. To the south of Australia the boundary extends across the Bass Strait and thence from Tasmania to 60° S."
Market includes a two year time frame because of various events in 2025...
Since Russia, France and the UK all have ships in the Pacific at market opening, I have taken what I consider to be an unusual step in exceptional circumstances by immediately resolving them YES. Doing so felt clearer than other options of disqualifying their creation or resolving the options NA.