The Shenyang FC31, also known as the J-31 Gyrfalcon, is a fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft developed by China. The FC31 is designed to be a multi-role fighter, capable of both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. It features advanced stealth technology, including a low radar cross-section and internal weapon bays, which allow it to operate undetected by enemy radar systems. The aircraft is powered by twin engines and has excellent maneuverability, enabling it to perform high-G maneuvers and maintain air superiority. With its advanced avionics and sensor suite, the FC31 is equipped with state-of-the-art targeting systems and has the ability to engage multiple targets simultaneously. If it entered service, the FC-31 would be China's second stealth fighter after the J-20.
Entered service is defined according to the FC-31's Wikipedia page.