The robot must be of humanoid design and available for purchase by private households at any advertised price (excluding price-on-demand models).
To qualify, the robot must be capable of performing at least five of the following tasks "out of the box."
A paid subscription may be required for the tasks to function, and features may be downloadable via an in-app store. However, the setup must be accessible to a person with no technical background, qualifying as "out of the box."
The robot must utilize tools designed for human use and operate independently, with no human "in the loop" (e.g., no remote control).
Eligible tasks:
1. Brew a cup of tea or coffee
2. Change the sheets on a bed
3. Collect used dishes from a table and wash them or load them into a dishwasher
4. Wash and iron clothes
5. Vacuum the house using a standard human vacuum cleaner
6. Cook a meal
7. Purchase items from a shopping list at a store
8. Change a toddler's diaper
9. Clean windows
10. Feed animals
11. Collar a dog and take it for a walk
12. Clean a cat's litter box
13. Wash a car
14. Mow a lawn
15. Assemble standard furniture with instructions provided by the manufacturer
Resolves NA if no publicly sold Robot is able to do so by the end of 2050.