Resolves YES if I can fetch a private market, its bets, its comments; and post comments and bets by API call by end of 2023. Ideally all of the APIs would support private markets, but these were chosen as the most important for e.g. bots. Resolves NO otherwise.
Markets in private groups aren't showing in the API for me, even being an admin of the group.
"/v0/slug/[slug]" returns "Contract not found"
"/v0/group/by-id/[id]/markets" returns an empty list
"/v0/market/[id]" returns "Contract not found"
I also can't see unlisted markets in a curated group that I'm admin of.
@ian says in Discord that the issue is known.
ian: I think that's a known bug - we don't support user-specific auth for api requests
ian: it's just auth'd or not iirc
🏅 Top traders
# | Name | Total profit |
1 | Ṁ84,972 | |
2 | Ṁ12,289 | |
3 | Ṁ3,262 | |
4 | Ṁ2,245 | |
5 | Ṁ1,735 |
I think this should resolve N/A since private markets were deprecated.
Actually, once private market https://manifold.markets/deagol/market-to-allow-discussion can be fetched now without authorization at all:
>>> requests.get('https://api.manifold.markets/v0/slug/market-to-allow-discussion').json()
{'id': 'DS71TgWoU0XrcTZHvvxw', 'creatorId': 'X7eEaQER2RauGtssmqMAv5PbFln2', 'creatorUsername': 'deagol', 'creatorName': 'Daniel Tello', 'createdTime': 1688089465652, 'creatorAvatarUrl': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/AEdFTp6BsfsqAl7jpz1-555S-MyDfZq8L-o_pMzd20B1Yw=s96-c', 'closeTime': 1692845373609, 'question': 'Market to allow “Unfair chess” private discussion', 'slug': 'market-to-allow-discussion', 'url': 'https://manifold.markets/deagol/market-to-allow-discussion', 'pool': {'NO': 325.8591777539179, 'YES': 314.2568570576859}, 'probability': 0.5100000000000003, 'p': 0.500937669969681, 'totalLiquidity': 320, 'outcomeType': 'BINARY', 'mechanism': 'cpmm-1', 'volume': 10, 'volume24Hours': 0, 'isResolved': True, 'resolution': 'CANCEL', 'resolutionTime': 1692845373609, 'resolutionProbability': 0.51, 'uniqueBettorCount': 4, 'lastUpdatedTime': 1692845439087, 'lastBetTime': 1688160014216, 'lastCommentTime': 1692845438319, 'description': {'type': 'doc', 'content': [{'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'text': 'Posts keep dissapearing, so created this market to allow private discussion. Does it work? Who knows!', 'type': 'text'}]}, {'type': 'paragraph'}, {'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'text': 'Resolves to whatever I want, whenever I want (probably N/A)', 'type': 'text'}]}, {'type': 'paragraph'}, {'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'text': 'The "unfair" game market: ', 'type': 'text'}, {'type': 'contract-mention', 'attrs': {'id': 'Zgti8Lin3GRHkyna92TM', 'label': '/KongoLandwalker/unfair-chess-against-commenters-wil'}}, {'text': ' ', 'type': 'text'}]}, {'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'text': 'Related: ', 'type': 'text'}, {'type': 'contract-mention', 'attrs': {'id': 'Tkrs5clLBAZKSuJK7Zma', 'label': '/KongoLandwalker/will-anybody-guess-the-rule-of-unfa'}}, {'text': ' ', 'type': 'text'}]}, {'type': 'paragraph'}, {'type': 'paragraph', 'content': [{'text': 'Move list: 1. e4 b6 2. Nc3 d6 3. d3 Nd7 4. f4 Bb7 5. Nf3 a5 6. d4 Rc8 7. Bd3 g6 8. O-O Ngf6 9. e5 dxe5 10. fxe5 Bxf3 11. Rxf3 Nxe5', 'type': 'text'}]}]}, 'groupSlugs': ['unfair-chess-discussion-private-fro'], 'textDescription': 'Posts keep dissapearing, so created this market to allow private discussion. Does it work? Who knows!\n\nResolves to whatever I want, whenever I want (probably N/A)\n\nThe "unfair" game market: @/KongoLandwalker/unfair-chess-against-commenters-wil \n\nRelated: @/KongoLandwalker/will-anybody-guess-the-rule-of-unfa \n\nMove list: 1. e4 b6 2. Nc3 d6 3. d3 Nd7 4. f4 Bb7 5. Nf3 a5 6. d4 Rc8 7. Bd3 g6 8. O-O Ngf6 9. e5 dxe5 10. fxe5 Bxf3 11. Rxf3 Nxe5'}
@AnT I have closed this market for trading since it is possible we have a resolving example.
The visibility is set to "private" on this market, and I am able to:
Get the market
Get the bets on the market
Post comments to the market
I am unable to:
Retrieve comments(including the one I posted)
Test whether posting a bet would work if the market were open, though I get the error "Trading is closed" and every indication is that the bet would go through.
If there is a way to get comments from this market, this market resolves YES.
@Mira Confirmed that I have posted comment to this private market and subscribed to notifications. So fresh comments are accessible via supabase API, but not comments older than when I subscribed to the market.

This is a non-empty subset of the comments, and I don't require all of the comments. I will try a little harder to get the hidden comments too, but it is likely I will resolve this YES.
@Mira The comment ID on my posted comment should be "CjKH74BRQL8WUddZsNtC". I am resolving YES because I can retrieve partial comments via API and all other requirements seem to have been met.
I also believe that this technique is able to collect all comments going forward if someone writes a bot to repeatedly poll for it, even if historical data is harder to get. So the system has been changed to allow new comments to be retrieved.
Mira claims this is properly <3% and prob resolves NO. following so we can see if that actually happens in 6mo
@MayMeta Only the first sentence counts:
Resolves YES if I can fetch a private market, its bets, its comments; and post comments and bets by API call by end of 2023.
Unlisted markets won't matter for this; I only provided them as context since it seemed related as a market visibility issue.
I debated including "fetch market by slug" and "list private markets in a private group", but I can get the market id through the browser network log so neither are strictly "required".
@MayMeta I'm guessing from the YES orders and clarification that you're thinking about trying this. I was going to add a M500 subsidy for you, but they seem to have deleted the subsidy button...