In July 2022, the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtverwaltung, Bauen und Wohnen set itself the goal to complete 100,000 new apartments in Berlin by the end of 2026.
I will resolve this question according to Table 31121-03-02-4 ("Fertigstellungen von Wohnungen in Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden
nach Zahl der Räume - Jahressumme") at https://www.regionalstatistik.de/. Specifically, I will add up the total number of new apartments reported in that table between 2022 (inclusive) and 2026 (inclusive). If that sum is greater or equal to 100 000, this question will resolve to YES. Otherwise to NO.
Should the Regionalstatistik platform cease to exist before this market resolves, I will attempt to find another source for the corresponding statistic.
For reference, here is the current chart generated from the Regionalstatistik platform (yellow bars indicate total number of new apartments, other colors are for specific apartment sizes):