Argentina's president, Javier Milei, wants to resume negotiations with the UK over the Falkland Islands: https://www.forbes.com.mx/argentina-pide-reanudar-negociaciones-con-reino-unido-por-la-soberania-de-las-malvinas/. Will Argentina acquire the islands?
There's nothing to "negotiate" about. The Argies asked the British for permission the time they first settled; later they made a military gamble and lost; and then the islanders voted 1513-3 for the status quo.
The Argies' only claim is that, once they genocided the natives of Patagonia and stole their lands, the islands became their neighbors. We Brazilians are also their neighbors and we don't claim their country is ours just because of that.
If we ever get their country, we'll have bought it fair and square, since they're the Suicide Squad of the economy - they keep making their country cheaper and cheaper, so at some point we'll get the deed to the whole thing as change when we buy an alfajor for a ghjkillion pesos.