Will any of the top 5 global companies by market cap be non-American on March 29, 2025?
100Ṁ236Mar 30
This market will resolve based on the top 5 companies by market capitalization listed on companiesmarketcap.com as of March 29, 2025. (This is the last Saturday of Q1 2025, so that all the involved markets are closed and thus it doesn't matter when we access the website.) The definition of which country each company is from will also be taken from the resolution source. If at least one non-American company is listed among the top 5 global companies by market capitalization on March 29, 2025, this market will resolve to YES.
Note that currently, the top non-American companies are #6 Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia) and #10 TSMC (Taiwan).
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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