Australia holds a census every 5 Years. If the next-most common country of birth (BPLP) amongst respondents in the 2026 Australian Census after Australia is India, this question will resolve YES.
For reference,
in the 2011 census, people who responded India as their country of birth were 1.4% of the population with 295,362 people,
in the 2016 census, India was 1.9% of the population with 455,385 people, and
in the 2021 census, India was 2.6% of the population with 673,352 people.
The most common non-Australia response in 2011 was England at 4.2% with 911,593 people.
The most common non-Australia response in 2016 was England at 3.9% with 907,570 people.
The most common non-Australia response in 2021 was England at 3.6% with 927,490 people.
Country of Birth categorization definition for the last census: https://www.abs.gov.au/census/guide-census-data/census-dictionary/2021/variables-topic/cultural-diversity/country-birth-person-bplp
Quick overview of the last census: https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/AUS