Which frequency standard will the SI second be defined from, per BIPM, on 01/01/2034?
The cesium 133 F=3 <-> F=4 hyperfine microwave transition (no change)
The strontium 87 1S0 <-> 3P0 optical transition
The ytterbium 171 1S0 <-> 3P0 optical transition
The thorium 229 metastable nuclear optical transition (any realization)
Any other optical transition in neutral atoms
Any other optical transition in ions
Any system based on weighted averages of uncertainty or timekeeping contributions
The winner goes to the primary realization of the second. For example, if the Yb transition is the primary and cesium remains as a secondary realization, then Yb wins.
Any non-atomic realization can be considered to fall under the system of weighted contributions.
If there is evidence of a new international agreement on the definition of the SI second on both the BIPM and NIST websites, then the market resolves immediately to the frequency standard described in the agreement.
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