This is a mega-market for words and phrases that may or may not appear in "The Winds of Winter", the long-awaited sixth book in the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin.
The words or phrases must appear in the main text of the novel (not including the title and cover, appendices, chapter titles, or any foreword or afterword by Martin). Answers must be a single word or phrase, or a set of related words or phrases separated by slashes or brackets. Appearances within other words do not count (e.g. "anonymous" is not sufficient for "anon" to resolve YES).
Please don't submit answers that have >99% or <1% chance of appearing (e.g. "Tyrion" or "smartphone"). Generally, if a word or phrase has appeared in every book so far, then it probably isn't a good answer for this market (though I'm sure there are exceptions). I've included some answers I think are interesting.
You can search the text of the existing books here: https://asearchoficeandfire.com/