How much will Berkshire Hathaway stock change from the day before Warren Buffett dies to the day after he dies?
+10% or more
+5% to +9.99%
0% to +4.99%
-5% to -0.01%
-10% to -4.99%
-15% to -9.99%
-15.01% or more
Resolves to the percentage difference between the close price of BRK.A the trading day before Warren Buffett dies to the close price of BRK.A the trading day after he dies. For example, if he dies on April 17th, the difference from the close price on April 16th to the close price on April 18th will be used.
This is not contingent on whether Buffett remains CEO of Berkshire Hathaway or any event besides his death.
Closing date will be extended as needed.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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