Resolves YES if he is convicted and goes to prison (does not matter whether for murder, manslaughter or something else). Resolves NO if he is finally acquitted or sentenced to a suspended sentence or less, and there are no appeals or otherwise related open cases (active or announced) against him.
On April 17, 2019, Adam Z. was legally acquitted of the crime he was charged with. On January 23, 2020, the Court of Appeal referred the case for reconsideration.
On May 9, 2022, the District Court in Poznań again found Adam Z innocent. On December 19, the Court of Appeal once again referred the case for reconsideration
The close date will be extended as needed.
Nie, Adam Z. nie pójdzie do więzienia za zabójstwo Ewy Tylman. Przy okazji, oto co chciałem polecić: strona internetowa