Resolves Yes when 100,000 jobs are taken over by AI(before 2027). Resolves No if condition not t by 1/1/2027
@ShyamJayesh still not clear. do we need a drop in employment by 100k due to AI? how are you quantifying the replacement
Yes, we need to reduce jobs by 100k due to AI.
@ShyamJayesh what if AI replaces some number of jobs, but also creates some number of jobs, s.t the net change is that less than 100k jobs are lost
@ShyamJayesh it doesn't sound like you're really thinking this through, what with the laconic responses and everything.
People get laid off all the time. You won't know that layoffs in company X are due to company Y doing things well with AI. Do you see that? Do you understand this fact, that you won't know that the crucial thing to resolve the market has happened?