United nations - will it stand by 2040?
Remains without any contender organization
It still exists, but members are less than 60% of the recognized countries or contain less than 60% of world population, and there are no contender organizations that meet these criteria
Remains existing, but there is/are other organization thay claim the same missions, and have membership of at least 60% of the countries that represent at least 60% of total human population, present on all continents
Disbanded, and there is no alternate organization which achieves global concensus (present on all continents, at least 60% of recognized countries are members, and they represent 60% of human population)
Disbanded and replaced with another organization (the League of Nations trajectory) that achives worldwide acceptance
Remains, and Its UPGRADED, covering 99% of habitable earth and maintaining high conflict resolution capabilities and in possession of nuclear weapons
If there are other feasible trajectories feel free to add them. If there are duplicates or some other non logical offered options, i reserve the right to remove them or to resolve them to NA
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@3d Maybe in the event of a new cold war, where one power block includes 60% of population and countries.
It could still be the only one existing but fail to meet the membership criteria you set in other options.
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