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Should there be a dispute, the rules provided will control over the answer to the question itself. While, the question is intended to provide an easy way for people to bet on their beliefs, it is not the end all be all, and all traders should look at the rules. Please don't hesitate to ask clarifying questions in the comments. In the unlikely event of significant ambiguity regarding whether the resolution criteria have been met. I reserve the right to resolve a question to a percentage that I deem fair. I will give notice before I do this.
This market will resolve YES if King Charles III does not die or abdicate before the end of 2025 GMT. This market will resolve NO the moment King Charles III dies, the moment that the instrument of abdication is given royal assent, or the moment a bill is given royal ascent that strips Charles III of the title of King and that results in the government in the House of Commons no longer governing in the name of the monarch. Regency will count unless there is a clear consensus that it is temporary and that Charles III intends to return to the throne with full powers at some point in the future.
I believe the question and the resolution criteria are flipped?
Also, what if there is a regency, as happened during the last decade or so of the reign of George III?
Also, Charles III is currently the king of more than a dozen commonwealth countries in addition to the UK. I assume it is specifically the UK that this question asks about?
@RiverBellamy as two questions one and two I updated the rules to account for them. As a question three, I use the UK as the determinative source, as if the monarch stops governing the United Kingdom. It is highly likely that they will stop governing the other Commonwealth countries.