Sometime on Leap Day (February 29th), I will select a question posted in the comments that I think is funniest or most enjoyable. This market then resolves according to the resolution criteria of that market.
Eligible funny questions must be:
Binary (YES/NO)
Loosely expected to resolve in 2024
Publicly resolvable (won’t require personal information to resolve)
Posted in the comments of this question, either directly or as a link to another market
However, beyond that, anything goes. Your question can be whimsical, self-referential, or over-the-top. The question could even resolve according to an event specially created to resolve this question.
I will not take into account the likelihood of a YES/NO resolution of proposed questions, even if they’re overwhelmingly (un)likely to happen (~0% or ~100%).
The only thing that will matter is the enjoyment or humor I derive from the question, directly or indirectly. “Funniest or most enjoyable” should be construed broadly. Questions which make me spit out my milk as I read them might win, as might questions which cause me to spend an hour entertained, as might questions whose existence counterfactually causes something hilarious to happen. To help inform trading, I’ll try to report the relative entertainingness of questions whenever asked.
To say more about my sense of humor, I tend to enjoy absurdity, satire, and awkwardness. I often find dark humor and antihumor hilarious. I enjoy anything that takes me down a rabbithole, or challenges me, or that is absurd and unflinching in its complexity (think Gödel, Escher, Bach), or which doesn’t take itself too seriously. Most of all, I enjoy grandiosity and a good spectacle.
Reason why I think this market is fun: if the market is trading high, you’re incentivized to bet NO while asking a really funny question which will likely resolve NO, and vice versa.
I nominate this market of my own volition: https://manifold.markets/Pykess/will-a-randomly-selected-market-bet
@Pykess This is pretty darn good, I choose this one!
I guess it'll work like this. If the Roll with ID 240302-15 on https://www.publicrng.com/ is even (revealed in 24 hours), this market will resolve as itself. Otherwise, it will resolve according to the negation market.
The only problem is that I won't know how to resolve this market if an even number is rolled and @AndrewG 's market has not resolved. I'll thus resolve this market N/A if he hasn't resolved by the time the roll is revealed. Congrats on the mana, Andrew!
@AdamK I thought you were going to have this market resolve to the result of the "most entertaining" market? But you're saying that you're essentially replacing the resolution criteria of this market with that of the "most entertaining" market?
@Pykess Yes, this market adopts the resolution criteria of the most entertaining market! I'm proposing that we use publicrng instead of you flipping a coin. The other consideration is that I'll resolve N/A if there's a paradox when I try to resolve this market.
@AdamK My resolution criteria specified that I'd use FairlyRandom here on Manifold - and I'm going to stick closely to that since the market is closed and changing criteria this late would be very bad form. Although I think it's some sort of publicrng thing.
@AdamK I think you can avoid having to N/A this market if you follow the insane route I outlined in the pinned comment on my market, which was an extension to the resolution criteria, even if it wasn't in the description itself. Basically, if you can convince Andrew to N/A his market or resolve it to a percentage, you can then satisfy the goal of ensuring that this market resolves only to YES or NO.