Question resolves YES if Mahomes takes a snap for an NFL team other than the Chiefs (name change or team relocation would not count).
If he never leaves the Chiefs, question resolves NO after Mahomes announces retirement and the following season starts.
@BrunoParga Yes of course, the waiting until the following season starts was to cover for Favre, Brady type situations. But something like Gronk where a player comes out of retirement after sitting a season or more wouldn't be covered. I'm open to changing it, but it is nice to close the question at some point and not wait forever to pay NO betters. Let me know when you think the question should be resolved (5 years after retirement?). Could also just keep it as is and have a mod reverse it in the case of unretirement, which is pretty rare anywhere.
@AjayChabra that makes a lot of sense. It would be more prudent to wait at least one year, but maybe that's too prudent, so yeah, just waiting for the next season to begin seems okay. Thank you!