Maybe add Dominique de Villepin?
Edit: just noticed I could add it myself
Similar question here : https://manifold.markets/dionisos/who-will-win-the-2027-french-presid
@BrunoParga In such situation I will wait untill next French president takes office to resolve the question. (Eg. If a virus postpone the election untill 2028).
@AlexandreHelicoidee and before? Like, suppose Macron goes "hrnngh" tomorrow and dies of a heart attack over his desk at the Elysée. Does the question cover that?
I think I should have opened with this: the "in 2027“ part of the question adds ambiguity by prompting these questions. It seems to me the question is "who will be the next President of France", just that, isn't it so?
@BrunoParga Hello, you are right : I should have used "Who will be the next president of France?". Thank you for spotting this mistake, I just updated the question.
But no problem if Macron dies or resigns before 2027 : there will be a new president of France in 2027 anyway.
@AlexandreHelicoidee merci, ça me semble plus logique ☺️
Et si Macron meure demain, peut-être le Président élu en '27 n'est pas le prochain 🤔