Resolves Yes if any of the current or ex US Congressman or Senator left the Earth's atmosphere before 2030
It cost about 450k to buy a space flight ticket as of now
-Only flights to space after Feb 01,2024 counts towards the resolution.
-Astronauts who went on to became Senator or Congressman are excluded from this resolution. (e.g. Mark Kelly is excluded from this resolution). It has to be Senator or Congressman who later went on to a space flight.
@jks Yes, thanks. Added this clause:
Only flights to space after Feb 01,2024 counts towards the resolution.
@mattyb thanks for the qusetion. I added this to the criteria:
Astronauts who went on to became Senator or Congressman are excluded from this resolution. (e.g. Mark Kelly is excluded from this resolution). It has to be Senator or Congressman who later went on to a space flight.