Here are some of the resolution criteria of this market:
By "new", I mean that the religious movement did not exist before January 1st, 2024.
By "Popular", I mean one that counts an estimated 1 million plus adherents.
By "religious movement", I mean either a new religious movement ("cult") or an offshoot of an existing religion. It would be the kind of thing that people would answer when you asked them about their religion, and not a philosophy. So for example, people citing they followed the philosophy of "Digital Minimalism" laid out by Cal Newport would not count as a religion, unless they would state it when asked their religion. Similarly, general Luddism or Luddite movements do not count.
"Rejects smartphone usage" means that the religious movement must have the rejection or extreme limitation of smartphone usage amongst adherents as a core aspect of their religion. An example of "extreme limitation" would be a total ban with exceptions to save lives or in emergencies.
If the religion had a general prohibition on advanced technology, as long as the smartphone was within the 3 most affected technologies, that would count. For example, if the religion has a general prohibition on "intelligent technology", and the technology use patterns before 2030 were such that if those adherents weren't a part of the religion, that they would be frequently using smartphones (along with the internet and AI, for example), that would count.
"Smartphone" means modern phones with internet browsers, social media apps, Netflix, etc. An example of a modern phone without such capabilities that wouldn't be considered "smart" would be the Light Phone. Another possible exception would be the allowance of feature phones/flip phones, so long as the feature set was substantially smaller than the typical smart phone.
"Primary tenet" means the rejection of smartphone usage would have to be enshrined as part of this new religious movement on the level of the 10 Commandments in Christianity or the Four Noble Truths/Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism, for example. See the clarification in point #5 for other more general verbiage and circumstances which would qualify.
I don't bet in my own markets. Enjoy!