A "Machine economy" is defined as machines paying machines for some service or work product, outside of human control. Importantly, the machines must be making the decisions as to which other machines to pay for these services. There may be humans participating in some links of this "machine economy" but for the machine economy to qualify, at least some autonomous machines must be earning and spending their own currency. A machine could be a physical robot or an AI running in the cloud, on a botnet, etc. The movement of the currency must also be initiated by the machines and outside of human control. The only way to do this currently is with cryptocurrency but if the machines find or invent some other method of paying each other with some quantifiable, fungible form of currency outside of human control then that qualifies as well.
The question resolves to the first year in which there's reliable reporting that there's such a machine economy. This question is about when it's reported and confirmed in human media, not when the machine economy actualy started to exist.
If it turns out that this reporting already exists on creation of the market, and I simply didn't know about it, I will resolve N/A
I will not trade in this market.