@NicoDelon Here's a picture from a shop in Zimbabwe, they use $ not Z$ https://apnews.com/article/1ce81eed4b064a529163513931b30178

@NicoDelon Evidently you're an associate professor of Philosophy? That's cool! Am I being facetious...yes and no - shouldn't markets specify details down to this level of precision? Aren't one of the main applications of prediction markets information sharing? I used to work in manufacturing as a product manager (not in the United States) and it was made very clear across the company to always specify units, currencies...seems extremely normal to me that you always have to specify currency, "$1B USD," and it seems really odd and unprofessional to say, "$1B." If I don't fight and argue for that, then that's like, not thinking precisely, it's letting people just say, "whatever they want to mean anything they want." We got to watch our units.
@PatrickDelaney Further, I understand that Manifold.Markets is a global site - so while the main audience is the US and likely there are few to no participants from Zimbabwe, and likely folks from Zimbabwe would understand it to mean USD, there are very likely participants from Australia, which also use the Dollar, and the difference between AUD and USD could be significant at time of resolution due to some black swan event.
@PatrickDelaney I don’t know if you’ve heard about that thing called context. It’s overwhelmingly clear from the context that we’re talking USD.
@NicoDelon One way you could frame your request though could be: ‘Hey, would you mind adding USD to the description to prevent any confusion? Thanks!’
@NicoDelon OK, cool. So it's agreed we're using Zimbabwe dollars. If Zimbabwe gets control of their inflation or pegs their currency to the USD, you win.
@PatrickDelaney Sounds like a ... BTC to Z$ 10 million bet in the style of the hyperinflation market?