Market cap of Nvidia as of market close on the final day of trading during 2024.
@Radicalia https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDP_RPCH@WEO/OEMDC/ADVEC/WEOWORLD I think country GDP is measured as whole years as well - I think the answers seems valid?
@Magnus_ Yes GDP resets every year. I originally had “annual GDP” in the title but that is redundant so I removed annual.
@BTE @Magnus_ @Thomas42 @Pykess are all wrong and @Radicalia is correct; you cannot meaningfully compare a stock variable (market cap) with a flow variable (GDP). Same as net worth is not income.
The meaningful comparison would be Nvidia's 2024 profit with countries' 2024 GDP. That's comparing apples to apples, income to income.
@Big0h GDP is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in a year.
One of the ways to calculate it is the sum of the income of every entity in the economy. If you count revenue, you're double-counting, because you're including non-final goods and services Nvidia consumes - suppliers and employees and bondholders. And, downstream in the supply chain, you're double-counting non-final goods produced by Nvidia; when they sell you a sick graphics card that's a final good, but week they sell chips to OpenAI that's not final - OpenAI's service to you is the final good.
GDP is the total value added, and a company's value added is its income.
@BrunoParga gdp per year is a number measured in $. Market cap is a number measured in $.
One number can be compared to another number. They have the same dimension. If you cannot do this it is your problem.
@ooe133 How is that?? It’s a market to predict AI related market volatility on a global scale. Comparing US tech companies to nation states is dumb attack on the news feed you say? Explain that claim to me instead of just making snide comments like a lazy troll. Or did you just not get it?
@ooe133 I am trying to experiment and see what stimulates interest. I do a lot of that so maybe wanna just block me if you aren’t into it?