@CarmelHadar What are your thoughts on the Israeli President saying "there are no innocent civilians in Gaza" repeatedly under pressure in the US media?
@CarmelHadar Right, but doing this would possibly get rid of this retarded Netanyahu-Haredi-settler government and put in a more reasonable government that didn't let October 7 happen.
@BTE I would say that you need to read the whole paragraph, and not just what the media delivers you.
read what he said, and then tell me if he actually meant what you think he meant, or you need to start to question your sources. they are deliberately trying to make headlines against Israel, because they know that people don't read more than the headline, and even when they do read, they dont use much critical thinking.
I dont think that you know enough about the conflict to say that. they tried to kill all the Jews even before there was 1 "settlement". and they even say that all the time. so I dont know what makes you think that this specific government is the problem.
for the Palestinians, this government (before oct 7) was very lenient, they approved many working permits and transferred a lot of money to the PLO and water and electricity ( basically for free) to Gaza.
@CarmelHadar I didn't say that replacing this government would solve the conflict. Of course, Palestinian intransigence is at the core of the problem. But it's good if this retarded Netanyahu-settler-Haredi government is ousted from power. Anyway, Israel is not going to build new settlements in the middle of a conflict, so it's basically an empty condition.
Exactly, this government let October 7 happen by approving working permits and transferring things to Gaza. Do you think Lieberman would have been such a dove on Gaza?
Its funny, I am always confused cuz people blame bibi for been too lenient with Palestinians, and also too hard. The truth is, i think that any (optional at the time) government would have done the same, even Benet approved the permits. I dont think that Liberman\Gantz\Lapid would done differently (Liberman mr "48 hours and I kill Haniya", Lapid gave to Lebanon a territory for nothing, in his very short term, and Gantz is basically spineless).
@CarmelHadar Maybe so, but Netanyahu has been a dove on Gaza for a while. Olmert's Cast Lead was more harsh than Netanyahu's Protective Edge.
At the very least, a more centrist government that didn't include Bibi and Ben-Gvir would have not expanded the settlements and got more international sympathy. Not that there is a real peace partner; see https://www.jpost.com/opinion/the-pa-rejects-clinton-parameters-20-years-later-opinion-658864 and https://thirdnarrative.org/israel-palestine-articles/palestinians-still-reject-clinton-parameters/ .
Anyway, after watching how easily Sderot and Kiryat Shmona were evacuated (voluntarily, not at gunpoint), the whole argument that there can't be a two-state solution because Ariel cannot be evacuated has gone up in smoke.
@CarmelHadar Holy shit what Herzog said is so much worse than I had even imagined. Obviously you did not read the entire thing, because not only did he say the civilians are not innocent, he blames the October 7th incident on the Gazans not having overthrown Hamas before it happened. Literally.
“It is an entire nation out there that is responsible,” Herzog said at a press conference on Friday. “It is not true this rhetoric about civilians not being aware, not involved. It’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up. They could have fought against that evil regime which took over Gaza in a coup d’etat.”
@CarmelHadar He is completely ignoring the fact that Israel prevented Gaza from even holding elections to replace Hamas after they were elected in 2007.
How can Israel prevent them from doing an election?
obviously i did read
Its not worse, because the headline implies that you should kill everyone, and he didnt say or mean it. I dont know why it is so radical to say that they have a responsibility for their government, but obviously, this is not the same responsibility as murderous have, and that what the headline has implied.
anyway, I definitely disagree with him, even tho they have some kind of responsibility, the reason for hurting them is not that one (collateral damage, human shields, all Hamas members dressed as civilians (you can check Hamas videos)),
@manifoldaccount Israeli UN ambassador to the UN said "there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza" which is absolute bull shit. Clearly a lot of people don't care about the Palestinians, and that makes me sick to my stomach.
honestly, I am really worried about the humanitarian crisis and I think that other countries should start to take it seriously and offer a refuge for the Palestinians (Egypt for example).
do you know that Israelis can get a refugee Visa in many countries (because of the war now), but no one (other than Ireland) offered to the Palestinians?
taking a refuges is the most basic humanitarian aid that a country can give (especially if its a neighbor arab country, that Gaza was part of not that long ago)