I'm getting conflicting information
hat das BAMF die Asylverfahren palästinensischer Schutzsuchender seit dem 9. Januar 2024 auf Eis gelegt.
Innenministerium hat Aufnahme von 147 Menschen aus Gaza zugesagt
This site says Germany accepted 39 refugees in 2023 https://www.worlddata.info/asia/palestine/asylum.php
But this market is about 2024, so we would have to wait a little while for the site to update.
I think it needs a clarification about what is counted as a refugee. Germany already accepted a small number of refugees that had a) German nationality, b) their relatives and c) local workers from German institutions: https://www.bild.de/politik/2023/politik/100-personen-abgelehnt-judenhasser-aus-gaza-wollten-nach-deutschland-fliehen-86271954.bild.html
There's also a duplicate market: https://manifold.markets/BTE/will-germany-accept-refugees-from-g-8bda77f349ac