@Lorelai I think he's been slowly aligning himself with the same disinformation bubble elon/vance/trump/rogan are in
@MalachiteEagle and now he talks the same way that do, reacts the same way, thinks the same way. Maybe someone hacked his brain, maybe it was the ayahuasca
@MalachiteEagle Russian chauvinism wrecked his brain. His brain isn't hacked, he's consciously spreading Russian propaganda.
@Lorelai because interviewing someone isn't an endorsement of the person or their actions.
@DanHomerick I'm sure lex would hardball putin about the forced relocation and reeducation of Ukrainian children, rape and torture of civilians. /S
@ManifoldDream okay, this is just me being random, but that image was from two years ago. Here's what a similar prompt fed to a modern system gives:
Generative AI has come a long way.
I couldn't use the exact prompt because it has guards against making videos that contain world leaders.