Only this List if a other World Leader leaves it doesnt matter.
I cant and will add no more World Leaders
Update 2025-02-23 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Clarification:
The market will resolve based on the first World Leader to leave.
All options count: This includes exit by assassination, random death, or normal leaving.
@TimothyBandors Yes the first person who leaves. All options count. assassinated,random death,normal leaving
@rohanvisme yeah, but elections are nowhere close for Trump, so it’s hard to understand why they’re both here together (and many others aren’t)
@Gen creator was surely making a list of people who we'd like to see go soon, then mixing in people who are likely to go. Makes for a spicier market.
@Gen I'd also add that the criteria include "any exit" from their position, including natural death. Trump is fairly old, so a person might bet on his exit based on a natural death.