Currently, there's around 8 billion humans alive, and around 100 billion that have died. If 100 billion humans were born tomorrow, all options would resolve YES, because 108 billion alive > 100 billion dead.
I might add more options for finer predictions if there's need for it.
Birth rates are collapsing. There is some growth to come e.g. by 2050 it might be ~102bn dead ~9bn alive so even here the difference 93bn is growing (up from 92bn). Then it looks like population will level off ~10bn but the number of dead keeps rising so this increases difference at a faster rate. Expanding to Moon and Mars doesn't increase land area hugely (just ~double?) and will people want to live there or in space/orbit?
3000 is a long time and nobody knows exactly what will happen. A cure for aging and all diseases is only possibility. More likely diseases out evolve our rate of cures development.
Anyway 4% in 6 years doesn't impress me as a rate of return and the longer options are worse, so the prices should be higher despite being impossible to occur.
@BrunoParga Uhhhhhhh that's a tough one, my intuitive answer is, if they have consciousness like a human does, they count, butttttttttttt that is questionably verifiable. hmmmmm
unless we explode in numbers once we colonize the space we will never exceed that number. and the chances are it will take so long to colonize space by then people dead will be a few hundred billion. so the answer to this question is very likely never.