Left-Wing or Right-Wing? Which person/character/concept will Manifold think are "Right-Wing" this week?
Feb 28
Ernst Mach
Ubiratan d’Ambrosio
Taking 'Roko's Basilisk' Seriously
People who don’t vote because they can’t
George Washington
dath ilan
Lucio Russo
The Cucuteni-Trypillia culture
Having a pet cow
Hating the West Wing (today)
Borrowing against our grandchildren, thereby ruining the economy for them
Wittgenstein’s Tractatus

Each answer contains a question: Do you think the person/character/concept is more Right-Wing (YES) or more Left-Wing (NO)? Bet YES, or NO, according to your opinion. 1 person = 1 vote (per answer), so having more shares does not make your vote count for more.

Heavily inspired from @Joshua's excellent market,


You can submit any person/character/concept (shortened to p/c/c for the rest of the description), as well as a link / short phrase to give traders some context. If other people trade on your submission, you'll get mana off of their transaction fees (edit may 29: currently not true, but I believe it is being implemented currently).

I may N/A options for quality control, or edit them to provide a more neutral summary.

As a trader, you should buy any amount of YES in p/c/c you think are Right-Wing, buy any amount of NO in p/c/c you think are Left-Wing. I will leave the definition of those terms up to you. The amount of shares doesn't matter for the resolution, one share of yes is one vote and one hundred shares of yes is also one vote.

If I think you are voting purely as a troll, such as buying no in every option, I may block you or disregard your votes. Please vote in good faith! But hey, I can't read your mind. Ultimately this market is on the honor system.

Note that market prices will be a bit strange here, because this is simultaneously a market and a poll. If you sell your shares, you are also removing your vote.

The market will close every every week; See the close date to know on what day. I will then check the positions tab on options that have been submitted.

If there is a clear majority of YES holders, the option resolves YES.

If there is a clear majority of NO holders, the option resolves NO.

If it's very close and votes are still coming in, the option will remain un-resolved.

The market will then re-open for new submissions, with a new close date the next week. This continues as long as I think the market is worth running.

It does not matter what % the market is at, and bots holding a position are also counted.

Some guidlines:

  • I encourage you not to bet options to extremes (1% or 99%) before a quite clear majority has been established. Otherwise, it prevents others from betting toward that extreme, and can bias the results.

I may update these exact criteria to better match the spirit of the question if anyone has any good suggestions, so please leave a comment if you do.


Possible clarification from creator (AI generated): Options will only be resolved if they have at least 10 traders total and there is a significant difference in yes/no traders. This will be tested for a few weeks.

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filled a Ṁ5 NO at 44% order

@Emerson dude it would've cost you zero dollars not to spread infohazards

@TheAllMemeingEye are you left wing or right wing

@Bayesian Very strongly left wing by my own preferred definitions, but possibly a regular lib might say I'm some sort of weird third position because I expand my moral circle far beyond typical leftism with unintuitive results. See my pinned comment explaining my beliefs in this market:

I find it funny that the third most right wing person/thing/concept over here is a guy arguing that the scientific revolution really happened in Hellenistic times and was merely rediscovered by modernity. A bold thesis but not self-evidently right wing to me. Either Manifolders have a deep understanding of the implications of historiography (denying the centrality of modernity and the Enlightenment is right wing?) or three traders is not enough to get a decent signal to noise ratio.

@mariopasquato Aristotle literally thought that rather than reproducing like humans mice were spontaneously generated by inanimate piles of straw lol, if that's what we got with scientific method then I shudder to think what the theory was before that

@TheAllMemeingEye Hellenism conventionally starts with the death of Alexander, one year before that of Aristotele. Over the two centuries between that and the de facto conquest of the Mediterranean by Rome there was lots of progress both in science and technology.

@mariopasquato hmm, I thought all the Ancient Graeco-Roman thinkers and writers who became famous enough that I had already heard of them were either from the earlier archaic/classical periods or the later Roman Imperial period, and that the Hellenistic period was considered to be one of geopolitical and cultural decline, but lemme just check the actual dates.

According to Bing Copilot AI:

Archaic Period: c. 800 BC – c. 500 BC

  • Homer: c. 700s BC

  • Pythagoras: c. 570 BC – c. 495 BC

Classical Period: c. 500 BC – c. 323 BC

  • Zeno of Elea: c. 490 BC – c. 430 BC

  • Herodotus: c. 484 BC – c. 425 BC

  • Socrates: c. 470 BC – 399 BC

  • Democritus: c. 460 BC –370 BC

  • Plato: c. 428 BC – c. 348 BC

  • Diogenes: c. 412 BC – 323 BC

  • Aristotle: 384 BC – 322 BC

  • Epicurus: 341 BC – 270 BC

  • Zeno of Citium: c. 334 BC – c. 262 BC

Hellenistic Period: c. 323 BC – c. 146 BC

  • Euclid: c. 300 BC

  • Archimedes: c. 287 BC – c. 212 BC

  • Eratosthenes: c. 276 BC – c. 194 BC

Roman Period: c. 146 BC – c. 330 AD

  • Cicero: 106 BC – 43 BC

  • Pliny the Elder: 23 AD – 79 AD

  • Plutarch: c. 46 AD – c. 119 AD

  • Pliny the Younger: 61 AD – c. 113 AD

  • Marcus Aurelius: 121 AD – 180 AD

Ok I stand corrected, it seems that in reality most of the ones I knew of because of their mathematical/scientific discoveries were indeed in the Hellenistic period, and quite a few of the ones at the end of the classical period had their lives cross over into it as well.

I'm pretty sure I remember reading an article that said Greece was in decline due to the constant civil wars and power struggle that took over after Alexander's empire collapsed, but this would seem to contradict that, so I'm not sure what to think now.

@mariopasquato thanks, yeah these figures seem pretty significant, and now that you mention them Aristarchus and Hipparchus do ring a bell, also I remembered I forgot to include Hyppocratus before

@Gameknight copy-paste of my previous response buried in the comments months ago:

Based on my experiment with pink capitalism and nazbolism, it seems like the voters here think social policy (progressive vs traditionalist/reactionary) is more deciding than economic policy (communist vs capitalist)

Ancom homofash is to try layering multiple leftist positions (no state, no capitalists, yes homosexuality) to see how many it takes to outweigh one rightist social position (no nonwhites)

Anarchist: no centralised state, absolute democracy

Communist: decentralised planned economy, worker-owned means of production

Homofascism: equality for LGBT+ but genocidal extermination/enslavement for other races / disabled, imperialist military expansion

I'm not saying they're philosophically coherent, nor commonly found, but a small number do exist

Homofascism: equality for LGBT+ but genocidal extermination/enslavement for other races / disabled, imperialist military expansion

@TheAllMemeingEye Isn't that basically Israel in a left-wing person's view? Everything fits except trans & disabled.

@skibidist arguably Israel is close-ish to homofash, but it definitely isn't anywhere near ancom, the closest (but still not quite there) examples of ancom IRL would probably be Rojava and Zapatistas

@TheAllMemeingEye There is nothing like genocidal extermination and enslavement for other races. 20% of the population is Arab and there was an Arab party in the last government. Sure, there is a war in Gaza with a lot of civilian casualties, but it's not genocidal extermination.

filled a Ṁ5 NO at 41% order

@nathanwei yeah, they haven't gone all the way, hence close-ish

@TheAllMemeingEye Feels like attempts at logical reasoning can lead us to the weirdest of places. Isn't there a wisdom to blankspace's words that we should rely on the Orthodox Church (though I think any time-tested system will do) as the source of truth? Feels like the remnants of traditional conditioning is the only thing stopping people from going full zizian in one direction or another.

@skibidist are you advocating religious faith over evidence and reason as a way to determine truth? Are you aware that this entails ditching all modern technology, including medicine and sanitation?

@TheAllMemeingEye Not all the way, but feels like it's good to have something like this as a foundation.

@skibidist Dude, people got here by using religion as a shield for their horribleness. Trump used "Christian values" to get elected. Crusades were deemed holy by religious leaders. Israel v. Palestine is because Israel itself came about through Jewish Zionism - if there wasn't Judaism, there would be no Israel, and no war.

People are both terrible and good. Religion only serves as a shield for the worst to hide behind as an excuse to preserve their conscience and to command others to do their bidding.

bought Ṁ20 YES

Having a pet cow is obviously lindy

@Eric_WVGG Charles Lindberg?

@Bayesian Should this reopen?

bought Ṁ5 YES

@KimberlyWilberLIgt it's interesting. On foreign policy I've gone from hippy to neocon while I've become even more left on social issues and more neoliberal/globalist on topics like immigration and foreign trade. Hard to put this all on one spectrum.

@PlasmaBallin This is also super interesting to me. Do folks think the “average American” is drifting left?

@KimberlyWilberLIgt Trump literally won idk what ppl are on about


>right-wing candidate wins

>"Americans are drifting left"

@Gameknight with an even bigger margin no less!

@KimberlyWilberLIgt Obergefell was in 2015, within the last ten years. We went from Obama in 2008 saying he was against gay marriage to Donald Trump saying that Caitlyn Jenner can use whatever bathroom she wants. So we have moved left on some social issues.

@nathanwei Donald Trump says a lot of sh*t, a lot of self-contradictory sh*t too. Just recently he went back on his promise to lower grocery prices by saying it's "you know, very hard" to lower prices after they've already gone up. Going off of what he says is like choosing how to live your life each day by looking at a randomly generated number produced at the start of the day.

@Gameknight I agree, but my point is that Americans moved left on gay marriage.

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