After extensive discussion and pilots SFMTA installed a dedicated bikeway through the Mission along Valencia Street.
The merchant organization wants it removed, and all street parking restored. They have hired a lawyer, used Change.org to petition the mayor to remove the head of SFMTA, and one merchant even staged a hunger strike. The mayor is up for re-election in November 2024. By the end of 2025, will the merchants prevail or will San Francisco get to keep the Valencia bikeway?
Construction began yesterday to remove the center-running bicycle lane https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/work-begins-to-remove-controversial-valencia-street-bike-lane-in-san-francisco/
SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — Work to remove the controversial center-running bike lane on Valencia Street in San Francisco will begin next week and a side-running bike lane will be put in its place. Construction on the project will begin Monday, Feb. 10, according to the San Francisco Municipal Transit Agency.
@MikeChenSF I kinda liked the center lane from a safety perspective and rode it weekly, but the UX was confusing