Feel free to add.
Answers will resolve as soon as there is credible news on it.
@Bohreromir Does the launch need to be successful? If not, this should have resolved YES 12 days ago.
@brp Military activities by sodiers(nothing airborne) that occur on the other side of the current DMZ, for longer than a week and makes it to Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_conflict
@Bohreromir Wait what? So the aid and trade to relieve the horrifying famine and pandemic have finally been allowed in? Why wasn't this major news in western news outlets? I've literally cried at how dire the situation was in the past few years, but if it's finally over then that's amazing
@Bohreromir according to GPT4:
elections in North Korea are held every four-to-five years for the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA), the country’s national legislature, and every four years for Local People’s Assemblies
So this seems a near certainty bar regime change
@TheAllMemeingEye thanks for looking that up! Last election was held on 10 March 2019 so it should happen within the next year