"This broadcast is brought to you by the Calibrate Broadcasting Corporation."
"Hello, folks. It's me, Calibrate, ready to start off the 2024-25 Premier League season with all of you.
"A legendary competition like this deserves a legendary prize. That's why, after months of planning and effort to make it all work, I've come up with the perfect trophy -- the MacGuffin.
"The MacGuffin obeys two simple rules:
"If the team with the MacGuffin wins or draws a Premier League game, it keeps the MacGuffin.
"If the team with the MacGuffin loses a Premier League game, it cedes the MacGuffin to the winning team.
"That's it! The team who ends the season with the MacGuffin wins it. Isn't it great?"
Murmurs ripple through the live studio audience.
"Okay, settle down, folks. One more announcement.
"I have thought a lot about which team should have the honor of starting with the MacGuffin. But I've made my decision.
"To begin the 2024-25 Premier League season, I'm pleased to present the MacGuffin to..."
The TV set turns black; there is only static.
I will not bet on this market.
The point is that you don't know who has the MacGuffin at the start. But as matches are played, you can start deducing who could have the MacGuffin and who cannot have it.
Breaking news, @traders: the MacGuffin's quantum state has collapsed. That is, regardless of which team the MacGuffin started with, it is now certain to be with only one team.
Whoever figures out the MacGuffin's current location may have an advantage in this market. But remember -- this market asks about the MacGuffin's owner at the end of the season!
I've just realized the market description is written so that it's a bit unclear when the market resolves. As a clarification, it resolves at the end of the 2024-25 season.
A full question rewrite is underway -- I think the story idea was quite fun but didn't really work out in the end.
@Calibrate should we assume that the MacGuffin is passed in chronological order?
That is, if a match is postponed, do we go by the original scheduled date or the actual date on which the game is played?
The point is that you don't know who has the MacGuffin at the start. But as matches are played, you can start deducing who could have the MacGuffin and who cannot have it.
@Calibrate your random number is: 6
Salt: t9mjz603do, round: 4278254 (signature a0908fc3938dc8fde74b5ace2ae070b43dc11ee11e72e85a9e118eadd4e83a405862833132dd78bb035d6b9da407a4a4024a7012429649b6405485a55d819014ccc59ea934ac0b7774e66c99d66f19b429d09d343f6e0a130f5748ea8463e42a)
@Calibrate you asked for a random integer between 1 and 20, inclusive. Coming up shortly!
Source: GitHub, previous round: 4278252 (latest), offset: 2, selected round: 4278254, salt: t9mjz603do.