Must be a full adaptation with controls and movements targeted for VR (not just an ability to play the game via a desktop in VR).
I will not bet on this market.
Edit 2023-01-07: @EzraSchott asked "Does it have to be officially licensed".
I would be OK with it being 3rd party IF it passed an unspecified threshold of competence. If a 3rd party created an adaptation and it was reasonably what I would expect from a Nintendo adaptation, I would be willing to resolve positively. If it's littered with experience-defining bugs, etc, or requires a bunch of difficult-to-work emulators to make it work, I would not count that.
@EzraSchott I would be OK with it being 3rd party IF it passed an unspecified threshold of competence. If a 3rd party created an adaptation and it was reasonably what I would expect from a Nintendo adaptation, I would be willing to resolve positively. If it's littered with experience-defining bugs, etc, or requires a bunch of difficult-to-work emulators to make it work, I would not count that.
Sorry for not having easier guidance on this one.