If Celene does X will she think it's a great idea in retrospect?
Takes Estrogen
Ketamine (recreationally)
Visits the Bay in the first half of February
Ketamine (medically)
Takes out a life insurance plan.
N/Acelebrating christmas?
N/AInvites @transkatgirl to live with her in her room
Any answer resolves YES if I end up doing it and I am happy about the decision in hindsight, and NO otherwise. Reponses about me committing suicide will be marked N/A owing to my inability to communicate my satisfaction or lack thereof from beyond the grave.
Feel free to add your own responses.
50 mana if you respond with something and I am consequently inspired to perform that action, 100 mana if that response resolves YES. I reserve the right to change the terms of these bounties at any time.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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@April Actually I think the accurate one would be "Signs up for cryonics" so I could either resolve it NO from utopia or do it before dying if I think it wasn't worth the money/time/effort spent.
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