This market resolves as YES immediately if Intel is fully acquired before 2030, such that it ceases to operate as an independent entity. The acquisition must be legally finalized, including regulatory approvals and any required shareholder votes. If no such acquisition is completed by this date, the market resolves as NO.
Intel recently experienced its worst financial year since its 1971 IPO. Credible rumors have surfaced suggesting that the company has become an acquisition target.

I will not bet in this market.
Update 2025-18-01 (PST): - For the purposes of this market, a merger will be considered an acquisition if the other company has a strictly larger total market closing value on the last trading day of the year prior, e.g., on December 31, 2025, if the acquisition is finalized in 2026.
@DanHomerick For the purposes of this market, it will be considered an acquisition if the other company has a strictly larger total market closing value on the last trading day of the year prior, e.g., on December 31, 2025, if the acquisition is finalized in 2026.