The interview must be at least 30 minutes to resolve YES, if shorter it will resolve to [length of interview ÷ 30 minutes]. The length is cumulative so two 15-minute interviews would also resolve YES. This only considers interviews after the creation of the market (December 7th, 2024).
Background JJ McCullough is a Canadian political commentator and YouTuber who has previously interviewed Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre for 15-minutes in 2022.
He stated aspirations to interview the big 3 (Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh) when asked about being the "Joe Rogan of Canada" in an interview with PF Jung (https://youtu.be/ZWb_B8nSyBA?t=46m42s)
Resolution Criteria
Each answer will resolve independently based on whether JJ McCullough conducts an interview with that leader by December 31st, 2025
For interviews less than 30 minutes, the resolution will be prorated (interview length ÷ 30 minutes)
Interview length ignores segments where the subject is not involved (e.g. intros, conclusions, non-integrated ad-reads)
Interviews must be published on JJ McCullough's YouTube channel or other publicly accessible platform
Group interviews or debates where multiple leaders are present simultaneously will count, provided JJ McCullough is the primary interviewer
Pre-recorded interviews that are published within the timeframe will count
The timing of potential federal elections (expected by October 2025) may influence interview opportunities
JJ McCullough's previous interview with Pierre Poilievre may affect the likelihood of follow-up interviews
Some party leaders, particularly from smaller parties, may be less likely to receive interview requests