After a bit of a strange year where I took a bit of a sabbatical, I'm really leaning back into my job hunt.
I’ve been especially successful in the past (and received positive feedback for performance in) in corporate strategy and consulting roles where I work closely with technical, product and legal experts, and am looking for similar for my next role. I'm told that I'm especially good at:
1) Building relationships with engineering, legal, and creative teams (especially those that feel like no one understands them)
2) Cracking new strategy/operational/business problems where there is a big need to Get It Right but the prior art isn't a good fit.
I’m open to a range of different industries.
Bountying for leads that are credible and not something I'd already found. Current bounty is M5000 but will refresh and increase the scale of this if I start getting helpful results here.
For bettors' reference:
Here are various signals about my background and expertise.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-kasten-23932086/
Substack: https://davekasten.substack.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/David_Kasten
Ideally, I'd prefer to stay in the DC area, but would move for the right opportunity.
Ask me questions and will answer.
This is a bit of a wild experiment, let's see what happens.
Wild stab, but: I've been thinking that we at Manifund (Manifold's charitable arm) could use another full-time person. We have large ambitions (impact certificates, weird charity stock derivatives) that fall squarely into "2) Cracking new strategy/operational/business problems where there is a big need to Get It Right but the prior art isn't a good fit." -- but are currently with executing with just 2 people. Would you be interested in joining for a short tour of duty, or a more fulltime role?
If that sounds remotely interesting, would love to chat: https://calendar.app.google/dSkLx7QGy6ntQcmB7